Our Story
Making Life Easier
Every great idea starts with a problem. Ours was not understanding why cleaning hard floors in the twenty-first century remained an inefficient back-breaking, bucket, and mop chore!
Our starting point when Hizero was founded in 2013 was the belief that everybody loves clean floors, from stone or wood to cork and laminates, but most women and men loathe the time and effort it takes to clean them. Therefore, we created the world’s first dual-use floor cleaner, Hizero. Originated from the nature, Hizero will make your life easier and simpler. Floor care will never be any easier, it will no longer be considered a chore but a pleasure.
Sweating all the detail took us a little longer than expected. But the first revolutionary floor cleaning solution we innovated and then refined over and over prior to launching in 2017 was worth all the effort because of the way it helps people clean floors better, faster, and in less time. Established by a group of engineers and designers, we pursue a perfect balance of aesthetics and functionality.
The state-of-the-art Hizero cordless, upright all-in-one hard-floor cleaning solution harnesses called Hizero UltimateClean™, a powerful battery, and ergonomic design approaches that give consumers a versatile appliance that sweeps, mops, dries, and self-cleans.
The word bionic means biologically inspired engineering applied to products with greater powers of performance than their competitors. We use it because Hizero’s unique application of a polymer cleaning roller to remove a mess in a quiet and hygienic way was inspired by the way a dog uses its tongue to wipe a plate clean of both liquid and solids.
Hizero UltimateClean™ technology also differs from traditional vacuum cleaners and mops because it does not release dust or allergens, instead of capturing them in specific compartments built into the slender body, making it a premium choice for people with an allergy or asthma.
Mission & Vision & Purpose

To enhance the life and wellbeing of people by helping them clean their home more efficiently, effortlessly, and faster than ever before.

To empower people to enjoy cleaner, healthier, and easier lifestyles.

To enhance the life and wellbeing of people by helping them clean home and other environments more efficiently, effortlessly, and faster than ever before.
Why real?
Reason why you need a tent

Our Promise
We promise to deliver you the ultimate cleaning experience. Because we care about you and your quality of life. We help you enjoy cleaner, more hygienic homes, faster and with much less effort. We live up to our pledge thanks to our bionic inspired technology, sophisticated design, service commitment, and care for all the things that inspire you.
Notre histoire
C'est un fait établi depuis longtemps qu'un lecteur sera distrait
Hizero se développe sur les marchés mondiaux, y compris les Émirats arabes unis, la Finlande,
Portugal, Luxembourg, Belgique, Pays-Bas.
Gagnant du prix sur Product Review.com.au 2022.
Lancement mondial du nouveau modèle F803. A pénétré de nouveaux marchés :
Corée, Brunei et Royaume-Uni. De retour sur le marché américain.
Récompensé par une médaille du prestigieux US Edison Award
Hizero a officiellement lancé sur le marché mondial, y compris
Indonésie et Hong Kong.
Hizero honoré d'une nomination pour un IHA Global Innovation Award, suite à
à la suite d'un VDTA Innovative Cleaning Technology of the Year Award et
Prix du produit innovant HOMEDEC 2017 de Malaisie.
Ventes d'essai sur les marchés d'Europe et d'Asie du Sud-Est.
Ventes d'essai lancées aux États-Unis
Le prototype de première génération est construit.
La marque Hizero est enregistrée.
Notre innovation
La technologie Hizero UltimateClean ™ puise dans la nature en utilisant la science bionique pour fournir des solutions super intelligentes pour les maisons et les modes de vie du XXIe siècle.
Axé sur le consommateur
Nous apprécions tous nos clients fidèles, nous nous concentrons donc sur vous et sur la fourniture de solutions. D'une simple question, comment utiliser mon Hizero, à nous résoudre un problème si quelque chose ne va pas. Notre mantra est les gens d'abord, dans ce monde de consommateurs d'abord, nous nous efforçons de toujours faire de notre mieux.
Vouloir en savoir davantage?
Nous sommes là pour vous. Donc, si vous avez besoin de plus d'informations ou d'informations, écrivez-nous et nous vous répondrons.